how can unlock the third cg in the nsfw Dallan gallery? is between the sex scene with chelsea and the slime, and the drawing of tate and aiden in the mind of cody by scribbles
If you check down in the comments there still should be the screenshot of the gallery I made check if it is. If it isn't tell me again which one are you missing (and If I think it's the one I think it is, then it's just a glitch in the gallery system, it's been like this since the newest update, no worries though it's should probably be fixed in the upcoming update)
Good game but unfortunately you can't swipe down in the gallery on the Android version so you can only look from Aiden's pictures to Alvy's pictures :(
probably not any time soon. MOF still has alvy's day 3, the rest of scribbles route, and a rewrite of aiden's route to do, and there's usually a good 5 months between each updates (unless my dumbass miscounted)
Hey MOF quick question are we ever gonna have a design for the side characters? Because I read in one of your posts that said you were reworking the prologue and maybe characters like Monty, Cody's mom and sister, (and probably also his dad) the summoner leader, Miss Mandrate (she barely mentioned, on this one I might be asking to much) or maybe the old recommended students like reworked I'm talking about the cheetah and the Golden retriever. (you probably already used the cheetah idea for regnar already but still). I'm not trying to put pressure on you, I'm sorry if maybe I sound a bit obsessive (ok a lot😅) I'm just really curious and invested, this VN is just so unique compared to the others those are pure romance or drama (or lust 🌝), yours is more mysterious and breathtaking. If you're reading this, thanks for everything you did and take all time you need, I won't lie when I say then whenever this game updates it makes MY MONTH.
u have to go to the market with the red eyed cat (idk there name) and the last one I actually dont know , i think if u continue with them then u will get
The last one is when cody and alvy went to borrow a nightfallen, you just need to choose "flirt more or smth" then the story will continue and cody will end up giving the guy with robotic arm a-
Can someone tell me how to get the last two images for nsfw dallan, the second image on the second page of therium and the second image of nsfw therium plss :3
Okay for the last two images on Dallan NSFW unfortunately since the newest update you cannot like unlock it but if you haven't seen it yet here's what you need to do
Become Chelsie assistant
Earn all her “friendship points„
Have $€× with her
She'll ask about testing a certain device
Obviously yes
And there you have it for Therium NSFW and non-NSFW (yes you'll get them both) you simply have to refuse him when he asks about having dinner at his place. You could've like try a bit more harder next time... just saying
(I just played the 1.3 and discovered the game. Will spoil, be careful !) When I started I was thinking we could join the class we wanted but didn't thinked it was linked to the character we'll follow. I was hesitating between the summoning one and the sorcery one and the two who caught my mind was Tate and Therium. Tate is beautiful and from what I've seen fun to be with and Therium... Well, let's say that I never saw horses as magnificent as him and he kinda made me wondering what personality he have. When we was about to chose I was curious of what the button "not chosing any of them" would do so I chose it and seen it was no finished, so I assum it's the Therium route. I chose the Tate's route so (and even if Therium's route was avaible I think I would still chose him because this cat just caught way too much my eye) and... Loved everything. The draws are fantastic, Tate just became more and more purrfect, Scribbles (from who I'm sure he's the dragon deamon master since the first time I heared of him and so I said to myself when seeing the head illustration of the master deamon "oh cool now I know what his face look like !") have a good alchemy with the main character but not have the "I don't care about you" with mean and cold think, just the "trust me I don't care but I'm casual about that" (from what I felt). I love all characters !! Except this damn chief. Anyways, I feel like there's so much social things to do ! The "you must kill all savages" but Gael, the lizard, is very nice "BTW I was very sad when I got the "neutral route" and must do all the chapter again because I chosed to help the lizard and there was no other way than betraying Tate... Please, PLEASE made something so we can help him without involving him assfucking us >w< Giving him a BJ or I don't know, or doing something else not sexual even... it sadden me too much to just say "I fucked so I will desapear from his life, bye bye"). Gael, Ragnar, Eureka, Tate, Scribbles, our character, and everyone... They are too fantastic ^^ BTW I loved the way you use the problematic of the name as identity. I always heared about that for trans people and it's nice to see it used for other kinds of indentity problems too ^^ Very well done ! And touching. So yes, I finally end up having the best part but by letting alone Gael, that disturb me to had to chose who to betray. So I hope that we'll see him later and be friends with, and I feel the fact that one day or an other we're gonna turn against the academy and that the lion is the foe who've done something to the bunny guy. About the MC, I hope that he will learn electric spells @w@ Everytime he use a new spell he can't do without the help of Scribbles I feel like it will put him into a bigger problem when he'll have to use "his" powers again. If I where him I would press Scribbles to make me learn a lot of spells for me to use by myself x3 So I stress about it a bit, I care for everyone in this story aaaaaaaaah ! Well, I said that but... I never played the others paths ^^' In stories where we must chose one character to follow except if this character don't affect me too much I just can't chose other paths. I got too linked with them and will feel bad for "ditching" (english isn't my main language, I'm french, so I'm not sure if it's the good word) them for others even if I'm too curious to know the two others. I think the only one I would do the other path is Therium because he just made me too curious but for me the cat is too good to be anything else that the MC of this story, shared <ith the character we control ^^ Too nice, pretty and many good things !
Well, if I must made a list of the 3 people who got my most interest there it is : Tate, the MC and Gael ^^
I spoke for too long and try to don't say all the good thing that I thinked of it because AAAAAAAAAH there's just too much of it ! Just... I'm way too eager to know the chapter 2, then 3, then... well you understand what I mean ^^ Have a nice day all and felicitations for your story <3
Ok.... Damn you wrote a lot.... I'll keep it short then. First of all, there is a way not betray Tate (choose the right option Duh, and don't leave him alone. Like.... ever👍). Second of all I suggest (I'm talkingpersonally I don't care what you'll do) that you leave Therium's route for last because TRUST ME if you leave it for last the amount of lore you get from Therium's route (and also Alvy's route)alone is INSANE. Third as second route I suggest Dallan's route (show the big boy some love, he truly deserves it.) there is also Aiden's route but it's going to be rewritten, so don't take everything that is said as canon. Good luck 🤞
I never left him alone and when I chose, the first time, to help Gael I didn't thinked it would lead to a sex scene who will make me betray Tate ^^' Anyways, thanks for the info ^^ I'll keep that in mind :3
You have to choose every single Tate choice, there is only a few that arent obvious like looking around when Tate leaves you and learning teleporting cancel. With Gael you can choose "He probably doesn't need a stupid Leopard in his life" and not betray Tate. If you want a list of all of the actions you have to do here I used Fandom:
I know =w= What I said is that I already do every action that didn't betrayed Tate the 1rst time I played except the Gael one because I didn't thinked it would do, I didn't even thinked there would be sex and even less that it would be not sucking Gael's cock or I don't know. I'm saying that the choice between "abandon Gael" and "betray Tate" is hard for me (even if I played an other time for having the "not betraying" path) and I'm sure it can have a way that we stay close to Gael but without involving sex. Like being there with him and speaking, or if we must go to the sex part nothing that make the MC lose his virginity. Because even if I would not betray Tate having to make the choice that litterally say "farewell I let you behind" for Gael is hard... I'm not speaking about a romance between our character and Gael, just friendship.
Personally I don't understand Therium, at all actually and not like is character or stuff like that, more like personality wise, I mean obviously I'm not gonna spoiler but for those who know Therium's route and backstory am I the only one who is a bit taken back by he's choices? I know he is THE most complicated character in this game (probably) still, sometimes i can't understand if he's smart or dumb. [Ps. A personal theory of mine is that (MC) Cody's power are locked or held back by someone or something just like part of his memories and Therium can see Cody's real potential and know something more that Cody probably isn't even aware of].
Another one of my theories even though it's a bit ehm... forced, is that Cody isn't even actually there. I mean in the academy and he is like in a sort of dream simulation and what he has witnessed so far are the experiences of Therium, Cody and ( from here on SPOILER ALERT) the masked demon because with Therium and his butterflies he could potentially know everyone's secret and/or routine aND for some mysterious coincidence he is good with divinations and can easily predict what others might say. Also by total coincidence Cody fell in the hole made by Tate that (I don't remember exactly, how deep it was but) was pretty damn deep without fainting or having a minor injury, and when he gets out, oh look NO NIGHTFALLENS. I mean what are odds of that (and don't tell that's the luck of the protagonist because I ain't buying it). There is also the fact that Cody even admitted that is dorm resemble a bit his own room in which the light don't turn on and if you read about dreams you know that usually electricity doesn't work (like lightbulbs and stuff) and the same goes for everyone except for Therium's dorm(at the end of every route with the good ending every character we can date has the light off or they are in no need of turning them on) that would also explain how we (the MC) can connect with everyone else's past/dream/emotional situations. I have even more evidence pointing to my theory but I don't wanna write an essay (I have enough of those🥲). and again I wrote to dang much
(accidentally pressed the report button, sorry. But im sure nothing will happen cuz i didnt report anything, Anyway..) *SCREAMED FROM REALIZING AND UNDERSTANDING WHAT YOU SAID* Oh my gosh! yeah and i kinda found it weird theres butterflies every ending or dqte or some shits, And i didnt know it until got into Therium's route and Alvy's route, there i kinda figured it out why theres blue butterflies every route or almost everywhere
I mean, I think we have enough information to infer something at least, for me , a calamity is about to happen and the MC needs to be strong enough to face it, and since that doesn't work the first times, the shadow figure makes the MC meet scribbles so he can unlock his true potential and be strong enough, and Therium resets the "timeline" and repeats it all over every time the MC fails, but in the process Therium is forced to remember every timeline and well, he's going a little insane in the process for falling in love with the MC (because he doesn't seem to notice him unless an anomaly happens, he does something to our mind and then suddenly the option is there to follow his path, something that would not normally happen), I actually like him, I like crazy people, I wanna date him so hard with his mad red eyes damn.
that's still a mystery, but scares me the most is at the end of the credit (if you click that option) Tate says he has the sudden urge to cry for some reason. MOFwhat did you do to my(ok our) favorite purple cat?!!
btw MOF will are you gonna add these characters or theyre just for the meeting? I would wanna see them and touch them especially the hawt demon, huehuehuehue
well. i just did the best possible route for tate, my fav... and holy shit that was emotional. so. uhh. cant wait to talk to my purple pookie again, hope everythings going smoothly, and yes, that was a very nice kiss.
Я прошел игру давно, только сейчас решил написать отзыв.
Отзыв: Игра интересная, много интересных персонажей, а самое главное что они красивые. В игре есть много выборов и от них зависит концовка - это жирный плюс. Интересный контент (nsfw) и его не мало. Сюжет с каждым персонажем великолепен, прописан божественно, руки целовал кто его писал. Благодаря нему можно узнать о персонажах многое.
Заключение: Великолепная игра, охото ещё поиграть, но прошел сюжет со всеми персонажами, буду ждать обновление, особенно с Тигрёнком, он (Тигр) прям очень вкусный:)
Идеи: Для создателей, вы могли бы создать секретную концовку в самом начале игре, когда мы выбираем позвонить и нас забирают домой, а мама говорит что мы ещё не готовы (или "-ты уже тут споткнулся, а что там будет?...").
I really love this vn, im crying right now 😭 i need more of alvy and tate, *idk why i cant litteraly let go of this masterpiece but good job on making me and other people want it/more of it :>*
Only scribbles and alvy's route are unfinished, you might wanna read the others since they are the three main love interest, i suggest aidens route first :)
I think i heard that aidens route is gonna be rewrite, so that it could be longer, if you want to read a full route then i suggest tate's route since its longer and can make you emotional
I think i heard that aidens route is gonna be rewrite, so that it could be longer, if you want to read a full route then i suggest tate's route since its longer and can make you emotional
oh ok tnx. Thats good to hear that there are full routes. I had 2 days depression when my gameplay got cut short. It really is a gem amongst the sea of games.
I Suggest Dallan route since is the most complete and obviously no spoilers but it will have a huge plot twist that would make understandable any future interactions with the trio. In conclusion I can tell you since I played (still playing) this game a lot that:
Tate route is full of emotions, the history about the academy, the previous headmaster and overall the relationships that the leaders have between one another
Dallan route is a peaceful and wholesome journey with a plot twist a the end, it does also have some lore but you need to dig bit for this one
Aiden route is romantic, complicated and show us the headmaster's future plan and how the test will work but the route it's gonna be rewritten soon, so yeah
Scribbles route (counting also Alvy and Therium) it's the most intriguing and cryptic story of the bunch and all I can say is that this route will make extremely more sense if played last
Probably when all the routes of chapter 1 is done, like, its hard to do this alone lol, you gotta draw, create plots, draw more characters, and bg's, i want to support the author if i can lol :)
I wanted to tell you about a plot hole on Tate route or at least I think it's a plot hole.
Obviously for those who didn't play Tate's route, SPOILER
On the first day of Tate's route while at dinner with the trio, Aiden asked on how many recommended students does everyone got and Tate didn't tell them that Cody already signed in the sorcery shard. But literally two sentences later, Dallan explain how both of them have to do the sorcery auditions. Then in the arena when is "Tate and Cody V.S. Aiden and Dallas" just before the battle Aiden and Dallas are surprised and even pissed about the fact that Cody didn't choose their shard.
Again this is only to clarify maybe I'm wrong but like, I only now noticed it (because NGL I've played this game like 30 times already and I absolutely love it) so yeah I know you're very busy but if you could answer my question it would mean a lot. Please
Yup, been known for some time, it needs a bit of rewriting, I'll make Aiden and Dallan go deal with their own route problems while Cody and Tate audition, but that will be around Aiden's route rewrite.
First of all thanks so much for answering and I know I might sound a bit obnoxious, but I'm gonna shoot my shot anyway, are we ever getting a design for Cody's mom and sister? because I would like to know if in the "lust shards universe" cross species or cross breeds are a thing.
SPOILER (Like with Aiden's Dad that's not a tiger and Cody asks himself if he'd ever seen another adult looking Tiger and I was couldn't like... he's mom also be a Tiger. Ignoring the fact that Argus is gay after all)
And fuck man, I could almost cry. I finished Tates route(best ending, though I am not that adventurous to figure out the other endings even though I know it's a fictional character). And I must say I am excited to play chapter two! If I could I would definitely be apart of your patreon because this project is just wow. But for now I can be patient. I wish you the best of luck.
Now to finish the other routes... wants I recover from that emotional Rollercoaster😅
← Return to game
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Praying that we get a route about Bean
I love this aloof little man
how can unlock the third cg in the nsfw Dallan gallery? is between the sex scene with chelsea and the slime, and the drawing of tate and aiden in the mind of cody by scribbles
If you check down in the comments there still should be the screenshot of the gallery I made check if it is. If it isn't tell me again which one are you missing (and If I think it's the one I think it is, then it's just a glitch in the gallery system, it's been like this since the newest update, no worries though it's should probably be fixed in the upcoming update)
thanks for the help!!!
You are right, the gallery have a glith in the actual version.
Could you please make it so you can kill Oliver thank you!
No! You can't kill Oliver! He's such a cute mouse
idk i just dont like him
Why woyld you wannna kill Oliver? or im thinking this wrong?
Just dont like his guts
still, its not the best solution, and if u hurt Oliver... Merina will come and get you bcuz of the blue stone/s they both have
Edit?: Or... Why not just try to avoid him? its better that way rather than killing him, right?
you f*cking take that back RIGHT NOW!
somebody give this guy his reddit gold
Do I have to call Merina on you ?🧐
Not the baby!! :(
Bruh 🗿
You vile creature ,you dare threaten Oliver ,Merina will have your head for this you cretin
At one point in Aiden route, is mentioned somithing called "Kvas".
is a type of wine?
Oh you tease, you dirty rotten tease... Maid Cafe... and no cg? Oh there better be one in the future. Seriously, just found my new fav route by far.
agreed! give us our maid cafe scene :V
thats for all platforms idk why
I wish i can scroll down! i need to know and see the gallary of the things i cant see (ToT)
Me too (T^T)
I don't think I there is anything else except for the transition frames which you can see by clicking the cut-of word at the bottom
When is chapter 2 coming out? I can't wait anymore 🥺
probably not any time soon. MOF still has alvy's day 3, the rest of scribbles route, and a rewrite of aiden's route to do, and there's usually a good 5 months between each updates (unless my dumbass miscounted)
More like 3-4 months, but it could possibly take longer if any issues are found lol
Hey MOF quick question are we ever gonna have a design for the side characters? Because I read in one of your posts that said you were reworking the prologue and maybe characters like Monty, Cody's mom and sister, (and probably also his dad) the summoner leader, Miss Mandrate (she barely mentioned, on this one I might be asking to much) or maybe the old recommended students like reworked I'm talking about the cheetah and the Golden retriever. (you probably already used the cheetah idea for regnar already but still). I'm not trying to put pressure on you, I'm sorry if maybe I sound a bit obsessive (ok a lot😅) I'm just really curious and invested, this VN is just so unique compared to the others those are pure romance or drama (or lust 🌝), yours is more mysterious and breathtaking. If you're reading this, thanks for everything you did and take all time you need, I won't lie when I say then whenever this game updates it makes MY MONTH.
how do you get the last 2 images on the gallery for Aiden?
u have to go to the market with the red eyed cat (idk there name) and the last one I actually dont know , i think if u continue with them then u will get
The last one is when cody and alvy went to borrow a nightfallen, you just need to choose "flirt more or smth" then the story will continue and cody will end up giving the guy with robotic arm a-
Can someone tell me how to get the last two images for nsfw dallan, the second image on the second page of therium and the second image of nsfw therium plss :3
Okay for the last two images on Dallan NSFW unfortunately since the newest update you cannot like unlock it but if you haven't seen it yet here's what you need to do
And there you have it for Therium NSFW and non-NSFW (yes you'll get them both) you simply have to refuse him when he asks about having dinner at his place.
You could've like try a bit more harder next time... just sayingOh yesh, the slime dude, But im still missing one in Dallan nsfw gallary :'(
The drawing/s that Scribbles drew using imaginary brushes. I also tought they were doing that and was talking abt me, but I was wrong
I knew it wasn't true lol, *our cat is not a bottom*
Fake fake fake
I don't believe you
I refuse to believe
I can't seem to be able to test the device after $€×, could you tell me the way?
OK YA'LL i mede a snow leopard pfp fpr like... anyone who wanna save or download it (sorry if it covered the other two shards :'(
what do ya'll think btw?
I like it)
Tnx! ^^ aww you even made it as ypur pfp!
Aww, that's cute ^^
Thankyou! >w<
it is relly cute
Thankyou! <3 save it if u want
(I just played the 1.3 and discovered the game. Will spoil, be careful !)
When I started I was thinking we could join the class we wanted but didn't thinked it was linked to the character we'll follow. I was hesitating between the summoning one and the sorcery one and the two who caught my mind was Tate and Therium. Tate is beautiful and from what I've seen fun to be with and Therium... Well, let's say that I never saw horses as magnificent as him and he kinda made me wondering what personality he have. When we was about to chose I was curious of what the button "not chosing any of them" would do so I chose it and seen it was no finished, so I assum it's the Therium route. I chose the Tate's route so (and even if Therium's route was avaible I think I would still chose him because this cat just caught way too much my eye) and... Loved everything. The draws are fantastic, Tate just became more and more purrfect, Scribbles (from who I'm sure he's the dragon deamon master since the first time I heared of him and so I said to myself when seeing the head illustration of the master deamon "oh cool now I know what his face look like !") have a good alchemy with the main character but not have the "I don't care about you" with mean and cold think, just the "trust me I don't care but I'm casual about that" (from what I felt). I love all characters !! Except this damn chief. Anyways, I feel like there's so much social things to do ! The "you must kill all savages" but Gael, the lizard, is very nice "BTW I was very sad when I got the "neutral route" and must do all the chapter again because I chosed to help the lizard and there was no other way than betraying Tate... Please, PLEASE made something so we can help him without involving him assfucking us >w< Giving him a BJ or I don't know, or doing something else not sexual even... it sadden me too much to just say "I fucked so I will desapear from his life, bye bye"). Gael, Ragnar, Eureka, Tate, Scribbles, our character, and everyone... They are too fantastic ^^ BTW I loved the way you use the problematic of the name as identity. I always heared about that for trans people and it's nice to see it used for other kinds of indentity problems too ^^ Very well done ! And touching. So yes, I finally end up having the best part but by letting alone Gael, that disturb me to had to chose who to betray. So I hope that we'll see him later and be friends with, and I feel the fact that one day or an other we're gonna turn against the academy and that the lion is the foe who've done something to the bunny guy. About the MC, I hope that he will learn electric spells @w@ Everytime he use a new spell he can't do without the help of Scribbles I feel like it will put him into a bigger problem when he'll have to use "his" powers again. If I where him I would press Scribbles to make me learn a lot of spells for me to use by myself x3 So I stress about it a bit, I care for everyone in this story aaaaaaaaah ! Well, I said that but... I never played the others paths ^^' In stories where we must chose one character to follow except if this character don't affect me too much I just can't chose other paths. I got too linked with them and will feel bad for "ditching" (english isn't my main language, I'm french, so I'm not sure if it's the good word) them for others even if I'm too curious to know the two others. I think the only one I would do the other path is Therium because he just made me too curious but for me the cat is too good to be anything else that the MC of this story, shared <ith the character we control ^^ Too nice, pretty and many good things !
Well, if I must made a list of the 3 people who got my most interest there it is : Tate, the MC and Gael ^^
I spoke for too long and try to don't say all the good thing that I thinked of it because AAAAAAAAAH there's just too much of it ! Just... I'm way too eager to know the chapter 2, then 3, then... well you understand what I mean ^^ Have a nice day all and felicitations for your story <3
Ok.... Damn you wrote a lot.... I'll keep it short then. First of all, there is a way not betray Tate (choose the right option Duh, and don't leave him alone. Like.... ever👍). Second of all I suggest (I'm talking personally I don't care what you'll do) that you leave Therium's route for last because TRUST ME if you leave it for last the amount of lore you get from Therium's route (and also Alvy's route)alone is INSANE. Third as second route I suggest Dallan's route (show the big boy some love, he truly deserves it.) there is also Aiden's route but it's going to be rewritten, so don't take everything that is said as canon. Good luck 🤞
I never left him alone and when I chose, the first time, to help Gael I didn't thinked it would lead to a sex scene who will make me betray Tate ^^' Anyways, thanks for the info ^^ I'll keep that in mind :3
You have to choose every single Tate choice, there is only a few that arent obvious like looking around when Tate leaves you and learning teleporting cancel. With Gael you can choose "He probably doesn't need a stupid Leopard in his life" and not betray Tate. If you want a list of all of the actions you have to do here I used Fandom:
(scroll down to good ending options)
I know =w= What I said is that I already do every action that didn't betrayed Tate the 1rst time I played except the Gael one because I didn't thinked it would do, I didn't even thinked there would be sex and even less that it would be not sucking Gael's cock or I don't know. I'm saying that the choice between "abandon Gael" and "betray Tate" is hard for me (even if I played an other time for having the "not betraying" path) and I'm sure it can have a way that we stay close to Gael but without involving sex. Like being there with him and speaking, or if we must go to the sex part nothing that make the MC lose his virginity. Because even if I would not betray Tate having to make the choice that litterally say "farewell I let you behind" for Gael is hard... I'm not speaking about a romance between our character and Gael, just friendship.
more NSFW PLEEEAAASE. Also a button where we can the sprites to be nude all the time. hehehehehe
go to horny jail
I need more of tate route!!
Hello! Please tell me where to get a Russian translation?
ExGames Telegram
I could fix Therium
But whatever the hell is wrong with him is so much hotter
Personally I don't understand Therium, at all actually and not like is character or stuff like that, more like personality wise, I mean obviously I'm not gonna spoiler but for those who know Therium's route and backstory am I the only one who is a bit taken back by he's choices? I know he is THE most complicated character in this game (probably) still, sometimes i can't understand if he's smart or dumb. [Ps. A personal theory of mine is that (MC) Cody's power are locked or held back by someone or something just like part of his memories and Therium can see Cody's real potential and know something more that Cody probably isn't even aware of].
I can't really add much, your theory sounds interesting.
I just kind of have the hots for the crazy sonovabitch lmao
Huh... now that you said it Ill also think that even the theory
Another one of my theories even though it's a bit ehm... forced, is that Cody isn't even actually there. I mean in the academy and he is like in a sort of dream simulation and what he has witnessed so far are the experiences of Therium, Cody and ( from here on SPOILER ALERT) the masked demon because with Therium and his butterflies he could potentially know everyone's secret and/or routine aND for some mysterious coincidence he is good with divinations and can easily predict what others might say. Also by total coincidence Cody fell in the hole made by Tate that (I don't remember exactly, how deep it was but) was pretty damn deep without fainting or having a minor injury, and when he gets out, oh look NO NIGHTFALLENS. I mean what are odds of that (and don't tell that's the luck of the protagonist because I ain't buying it). There is also the fact that Cody even admitted that is dorm resemble a bit his own room in which the light don't turn on and if you read about dreams you know that usually electricity doesn't work (like lightbulbs and stuff) and the same goes for everyone except for Therium's dorm(at the end of every route with the good ending every character we can date has the light off or they are in no need of turning them on) that would also explain how we (the MC) can connect with everyone else's past/dream/emotional situations. I have even more evidence pointing to my theory but I don't wanna write an essay (I have enough of those🥲).
and again I wrote to dang much(accidentally pressed the report button, sorry. But im sure nothing will happen cuz i didnt report anything, Anyway..) *SCREAMED FROM REALIZING AND UNDERSTANDING WHAT YOU SAID* Oh my gosh! yeah and i kinda found it weird theres butterflies every ending or dqte or some shits, And i didnt know it until got into Therium's route and Alvy's route, there i kinda figured it out why theres blue butterflies every route or almost everywhere
I mean, I think we have enough information to infer something at least, for me , a calamity is about to happen and the MC needs to be strong enough to face it, and since that doesn't work the first times, the shadow figure makes the MC meet scribbles so he can unlock his true potential and be strong enough, and Therium resets the "timeline" and repeats it all over every time the MC fails, but in the process Therium is forced to remember every timeline and well, he's going a little insane in the process for falling in love with the MC (because he doesn't seem to notice him unless an anomaly happens, he does something to our mind and then suddenly the option is there to follow his path, something that would not normally happen), I actually like him, I like crazy people, I wanna date him so hard with his mad red eyes damn.
Quick question, after the loop-thingy, there are three options in Therium's office.
The first just repeats the loop, the second begin's Alvy's route, but what about the third one?
Just curious.
{btw LOVE this vn, literally everyone is so hot oml)
that's still a mystery, but scares me the most is at the end of the credit (if you click that option) Tate says he has the sudden urge to cry for some reason. MOF what did you do to my(ok our) favorite purple cat?!!
I think the third option might be scribbles route
just completed alvy's day 2, cant wait for third!!!
btw MOF will are you gonna add these characters or theyre just for the meeting? I would wanna see them and touch them especially the hawt demon, huehuehuehue
You'll probably meet them all at some point but they'll have some redesigned aspects :)
Thankyou! >ω<
Cant wait and so exited i could kill myself rn!
im missing many nsfw tate gallary! like 3-6 or 7! and im missing one on Dallan! im trying everything but idk how to get those! ToT
Kissed a purple cat. 10/10
hell yeah brother i love purple cats.
(to every character too btw)
well. i just did the best possible route for tate, my fav... and holy shit that was emotional. so. uhh. cant wait to talk to my purple pookie again, hope everythings going smoothly, and yes, that was a very nice kiss.
Absolutely amazing i love it
fell in love with all
Can't wait for more
Thanks for this game ^.^
Я прошел игру давно, только сейчас решил написать отзыв.
Отзыв: Игра интересная, много интересных персонажей, а самое главное что они красивые. В игре есть много выборов и от них зависит концовка - это жирный плюс. Интересный контент (nsfw) и его не мало. Сюжет с каждым персонажем великолепен, прописан божественно, руки целовал кто его писал. Благодаря нему можно узнать о персонажах многое.
Заключение: Великолепная игра, охото ещё поиграть, но прошел сюжет со всеми персонажами, буду ждать обновление, особенно с Тигрёнком, он (Тигр) прям очень вкусный:)
Идеи: Для создателей, вы могли бы создать секретную концовку в самом начале игре, когда мы выбираем позвонить и нас забирают домой, а мама говорит что мы ещё не готовы (или "-ты уже тут споткнулся, а что там будет?...").
Вы, как погляжу, ценитель. Полностью с вами солидарен, мистер.
When will all routes be done? I like to wait until VNs have a full story so I don't have to wait
yeah like a couple of days surely
Cant wait for it!
I'm pretty sure he's being sarcastic, this kind of content isn't done in a day or two. Though in case i'm wrong, than damn MOF your fast.
3 or 5 years give or take
When's the next Alvy/Scribbles update?
probably within the next month, It's soon gonna be the typical amount of time between updates soon.
Tomorrow or today
I really love this vn, im crying right now 😭 i need more of alvy and tate, *idk why i cant litteraly let go of this masterpiece but good job on making me and other people want it/more of it :>*
Tate and Alvy on topppp! Fr
And here I thought they were bottom... 😏
I love em so much I'd let em have it either way at this point tbh
I love tate so much!! I've always liked hyperactive characters♥
is there a finished route or are they all unfinished?
Only scribbles and alvy's route are unfinished, you might wanna read the others since they are the three main love interest, i suggest aidens route first :)
i played aiden the first time but after 2nd night when the tournament begins it sad that this it all there is to the game. I played it 2 months ago.
I think i heard that aidens route is gonna be rewrite, so that it could be longer, if you want to read a full route then i suggest tate's route since its longer and can make you emotional
I think i heard that aidens route is gonna be rewrite, so that it could be longer, if you want to read a full route then i suggest tate's route since its longer and can make you emotional
oh ok tnx. Thats good to hear that there are full routes. I had 2 days depression when my gameplay got cut short. It really is a gem amongst the sea of games.
Im still waiting for chapter 2 to come out so that i can continue reading his route, so have fun reading it *it made me cry 3×*
NOOOO I finished TATE :(((((
(what route should i do next? I want the one with the most writing done as of now)
That would be the tate one
I Suggest Dallan route since is the most complete and obviously no spoilers but it will have a huge plot twist that would make understandable any future interactions with the trio. In conclusion I can tell you since I played (still playing) this game a lot that:
Tate route is full of emotions, the history about the academy, the previous headmaster and overall the relationships that the leaders have between one another
Dallan route is a peaceful and wholesome journey with a plot twist a the end, it does also have some lore but you need to dig bit for this one
Aiden route is romantic, complicated and show us the headmaster's future plan and how the test will work but the route it's gonna be rewritten soon, so yeah
Scribbles route (counting also Alvy and Therium) it's the most intriguing and cryptic story of the bunch and all I can say is that this route will make extremely more sense if played last
personally? would die for Alvy (all of them but mainly Alvy ((and Tate but still)))
i don't want more, i NEED more. i finished it less than an hour ago and my dumbass already cried 3 times
edit: 7 now
edit 2: i just learned that's called post game depression, so congrats! your game is so good it gave me depression!
also if you ever do merch pleaaaaase make a tate bodypillow
I offer to fund this ✋🗿
omg! YEAASZZZ! or their clothings!
oh yes that too!!!
I need this, makes me sleep more comfortably at night, and other things...... :>
Aww its cute! yk what? i think ill draw too
edit:Ok i give up =_= its hard but ill post the WIP drawing here later (basically 1 week) or never
This was ans is amazing
I can't wait for more 😊
if anything bad happens during alvys route i wont forgive you
How close is the chapter 2 to be released?
not one bit.
Probably when all the routes of chapter 1 is done, like, its hard to do this alone lol, you gotta draw, create plots, draw more characters, and bg's, i want to support the author if i can lol :)
Is there going to be an update for aidens rout?
Yes there is going to be a rewrite of Aiden route, but it's probably going to be the last thing before chapter 2 release.
How would chapter 2 work in terms of route? Will it ask u what route u played in the first one before you get in?
the game will probably just countinue after the test countdown instead of just telling us "hey, chapter one's over!"
Hey MOF, First of all big fan.
I wanted to tell you about a plot hole on Tate route or at least I think it's a plot hole.
Obviously for those who didn't play Tate's route, SPOILER
On the first day of Tate's route while at dinner with the trio, Aiden asked on how many recommended students does everyone got and Tate didn't tell them that Cody already signed in the sorcery shard. But literally two sentences later, Dallan explain how both of them have to do the sorcery auditions. Then in the arena when is "Tate and Cody V.S. Aiden and Dallas" just before the battle Aiden and Dallas are surprised and even pissed about the fact that Cody didn't choose their shard.
Again this is only to clarify maybe I'm wrong but like, I only now noticed it (because NGL I've played this game like 30 times already and I absolutely love it) so yeah I know you're very busy but if you could answer my question it would mean a lot. Please
Yup, been known for some time, it needs a bit of rewriting, I'll make Aiden and Dallan go deal with their own route problems while Cody and Tate audition, but that will be around Aiden's route rewrite.
Glad you're enjoying the game :]
First of all thanks so much for answering and I know I might sound a bit obnoxious, but I'm gonna shoot my shot anyway, are we ever getting a design for Cody's mom and sister? because I would like to know if in the "lust shards universe" cross species or cross breeds are a thing.
SPOILER (Like with Aiden's Dad that's not a tiger and Cody asks himself if he'd ever seen another adult looking Tiger and I was couldn't like... he's mom also be a Tiger. Ignoring the fact that Argus is gay after all)
I love Aiden, he's handsome
Hehe you don't have to state the obvious
I know, but can you blame me? <3
This is one of the few VNs where I'm very invested in every route. Glad i found this one!
I just got started into this game
And fuck man, I could almost cry. I finished Tates route(best ending, though I am not that adventurous to figure out the other endings even though I know it's a fictional character). And I must say I am excited to play chapter two! If I could I would definitely be apart of your patreon because this project is just wow. But for now I can be patient. I wish you the best of luck.
Now to finish the other routes... wants I recover from that emotional Rollercoaster😅