I haven't finished the VN yet but I can say it is amazing. For one it is very funny and I haven't seen much myself from other VNs I've read. Then the plot is quite filling both romance wise and just story. I haven't finished any routes yet and planning on doing all of them. Through out the novel I would sit there and think how this could totally be an anime which is just me and my opinion. I love the art style it is the best I've seen imo, and I enjoy all the scenery and sprites! Amazing work 11/10, and I am definitely excited for future updates and revamps.
I wasn't sure if to reply or make a new one entirely anyways. This is for Tates route and everything in general
Oh. My. God. That was amazing a treat a masterpiece a five star Michelin meal. Damn were the scenes good and holy crap the story. That was so rich and flavored, I just want more. Everything paces out perfectly and just makes sense mostly. I had moments where I questioned everything then later on I realize and everything clicked. The cuddling scene is so precious imo even the picnic date, aaaaaa it's so cute I could die. I also love how all the friends were just super hype and excited for it, I adore it.Then the dream glad we could uh yk figure out the mystery, but to see how his inner child is whole again is something I 1 never seen but 2 something that just relates so hard. Everyone starts with nothing but is always given something they just need to make do with it. The picnic scene and daisy hill was so akslalaoxjnala, everything just so beautifully crafted. And so much packed in for just 1 singular chapter, 1. This obviously took years to develop this if not years then count me impressed. This is hands down best VN I've read. Are there times that are effy yeah, I can say the music isn't great but it works. I have felt emotionally involved in everything, I've cried twice, gotten angry, been super excited and happy. It's just the package that delivers. A lot of this isn't related to Tates route specifically but I don't have much to say other than that it is exponential. I can't wait for another chapter, but most importantly all the routes possible. This was truly an experience, it's that fantasy world I've always dreamed of being in except for the lust but that's a bonus. Mof you did fantastic on creating such a thing, I am honestly very excited for whenever the next update will be
You can only get nsfw scenes "around" Dallan, his story line hasn't reached this stage yet and neither for the other two. You may even say it's in "cuddles and kisses" state.
Just wondering, but aside from a couple of scenes, how exactly is this an NSFW game? I'm (according to itch) 3 hours into the game. And the only real NSFW stuff, was some dialogue (and a, I guess technically? Censored scene)
No like, major story spoilers please. And I'm on Dallan's route (really wanted, Therium's? "Cause...His Shard, and definitely nothing else. But it's not out yet)
Hey MindOfFur, i was curious to ask if Aiden will maybe get a reboot of his route or at least a quality upgrade with more content? Dont get me wrong, i love his route and its the one that made me love this VN since the beggining. But Dallan's and Tate's routes are so fucking good with much higher quality (maybe because Aiden's was just the demo) that i am left a bit sad that Aiden is not getting something similar. Also his route is much much shorter than the others.
Most likely, tomatoes will fly in my face for this opinion, but I will still speak out.It will be about Tate, or rather about his obsessive nature towards the main character and how much he himself is an asshole.
The main character, in order to help Tate, even takes a desperate step by giving a stranger a blowjob, and argues with the director of the academy, taking on the risks of being kicked out of school, and how does Tate thank him for this!? – He constantly whines and insults the snow leopard if he does not spend time with him. And so it will be the whole route, he will scold MC for deciding to spend time with others (for example, with Merina and Oliver), and not with him, he will constantly impose his thoughts on him and criticize him for walking with a mouse and a fox, and not with him. The MC has known him for only 1-2 days and is not obliged to give all his time only to him. There is no such obsession in the route of Dallan or Aiden, they do not treat the protagonist in such a way as if he owes them something.
While I was reading, I just want to tell Tate: - You and I have known each other for three days, what kind of friends are we?! I don't have to give all my time just to you, fuck off from me and let me spend time with whoever I want!
However, this is a matter of taste, this can actually be forgiven by making a reference to a neutral route.
But Tate's most despicable act at the end of the update infuriated me even more. This cat deliberately throws the MC to death, and he did not even try to do something to save him, at least to call for help after teleportation, for example. Even if Tate had lost almost all of his mana, he could have called for help by teleporting to the academy, or at least to the nearest payphone to call the academy. However, he did not do this and left the MC to certain death, because he was offended, like a small child who was not given enough attention. And how convenient that after that the protagonist forgets all the events and does not blame Tate for what he did.
I would also like to say about the demon, which was completely forgotten in this update. He spent an unknown amount of time in prison, but all he does is watch Netflix in the head of the MC - seriously!? At the end of the game, if you follow Tate, in order to save the MC from death, the demon teleports his clothes with an amulet, BUT previously he could not do this for some reason, - why?
I hope the author will not delete my comment. I don't think Tate is a bad and terrible character, I just expressed aspects I didn't like about him.
-In Dallan's and Aiden's routes, when choosing to go with the side routes, it does not affect the boys in the least, since with Haima, Aiden is the one that ditches you, and with Dallan it's kind of similar plus it's his best friend so yeah, he doesn't mind. With Tate you constantly tell him "Sorry, I wanna hang out with these guys instead, bye, you do you." In his own words from the bad route: "Why do you build me up just to break me down again?" - If Tate saves you at the end, he's warned that he will die, which he does, technically, both in the good and neutral ending, but he's 'revived', meaning he cares enough for Cody to sacrifice himself. When he leaves him, he has just enough magic to collapse but not die. By the time he can reach help it's too late. -As for Scribbles, he said he's just not too interested in the Wild Furs and would rather watch movies, if that's not good enough of a reason for someone that's okay, I get it. I will say that one of the reason I decided to push his comments back a little was to just...not ruin the moments, since most of the 3rd day is a bit more serious/emotional but still sexually charged enough for him to come out from time to time. I definitely don't think Tate or Cody or Aiden or even Dallan are perfect characters morally, but I do want to defend my little traumatized cat boy.
Oh, as for the amulet, I don't remember every detail or plot point in the game, but remember that Scribbles can only cast spells if Cody allows him to, so since Cody never told him to save him or do anything like that, he couldn't, same with the pants and amulet, but maybe I'm missing something here idk :v
I agree with you in many ways. Tate doesn't know how to behave with people, but it's not his fault. I think the bigger problem is the one-sidedness of the plot. What I mean is: you are literally told almost at the very beginning of your journey to choose the path of the character. And that's it, you chose it and you no longer have the opportunity to go to another route, only to a bad/ neutral / good ending, no more. I hope that there will be more choices in chapter 2.
Well I agree with the comment above. Tate surprised me. I've been waiting for him for so long, and he turned out to be a candy with a bitter filling.
He literally left Cody to die. The very act of not trying to do anything at all already says a lot about him.
At least he could have told someone about what happened after the incident, but he just decided to keep quiet. - Well, someone died, so what, little things, right? Or almost died.
Besides, he could teleport to the academy, even if he could not speak, but simply fell unconscious, this would already serve as a signal to others that something bad had happened.
Tate's route, trying to bring us closer to him, but I, on the contrary, felt myself moving further away from him. Eventually, I found solace in route with Oliver and cute lynx from the village, it's a shame that there will be no continuation of it.
Of course, respect from me to the author, for such a great big update with many arts.
I've got all of Tate's gallery but somehow i'm still missing all the scences in page 3, 4 of NSFW Tate, also the same case with NSFW Aiden page 2 image 1, and all of NSFW Dallan.... Is there a guide on how to get it and can i have it?
Will there be updates to the existed stories? Because i sure love what i've seen so far, from the art style to the story, perfectly my type, but i saw someone comment it will get rework or something, at least for Aiden.
I personally don't like how vn with routes works, purely because i sometimes can't figure how to get to some of the endings or scences. But for this project i sure try hard. Pls help me >.< Thanks!
But I also enjoyed Aiden's and Tate's route. I'm eager to see how old Scribbles plays out in his upcoming route. Then is onwards to Chapter 2 with my Dallan! ❤️
I 100% can't wait for more from Dallan's Route. the game said i got the best possible ending, but thats still yet to be seen, all i got was his kiss. though very intimate, and sweet, and i loved every second of it.
Okay, first of all, congratulations on this project! It's really amazing how I expected something like a sexual scene every few lines of dialogue with a very simple story but I got a very elaborate plot (at least, with Tate's Rute, that is the one that I'm playing at the moment) and very heartwarming characters. Yeah, the sexual theme is everywhere, but it isn't annoying and, in a lot of times, the jokes and the humor is fantastic.
My questions is... The routes that are completed are Dallan's, Aiden's and Tate's, am I right? What will it be the last route? I'm super curious about it :3
This game is absolutely fantastic! Im not really normally a fan of Visual Novels, but this game changed my mind. The writing is so clever and entertaining, and the stories are heartwarming and fantastic. This game is honestly my favorite furry media Ive seen. MindOfFur, absolutely Phenomenal job, and I wish you the most success going forward. I'll be anxiously waiting for each and every update!
Tate's update is amazing, so congrats Dev! If you don't mind I'd like to ask one tiny question.
Obviously, there will be no continuation of the worst ending for the...obvious reason. But what about the bad ending? Cody is still alive & kicking and the test is still going on, The only major difference is that Tate is now out of the picture, which is understandable...and sad, but other than that the story can still continue.
So will there be any continuation for this particular 'route'? I mean I wouldn't mind continuing this silly romance with the shy twink rat and mommy foxxy (or both if you know what I mean ;D).
Anyhow, congrats again Mr.Dev for this awesome game! Please continue this awesome work, we'll always support you!
OMFG I was just looking for some cool names for the characters in my book and Googled "Dallan" to learn the meaning and found out it means "little blind one" in Irish... You guys are absolute genius. T-T
Loved it! I just hope there will be more full friend group content. Every route in chapter 1 focused on only Cody and the romantic interest, which is understandable, but I hope in the future there will be more group activities, like [SPOLIERS] the kiss in Tate's route where everyone in the friendgroup was (somewhat) involved and had a talking role, or the detention in Dallan's route. Just a nice picnic, or the group exporing the Acadamy's dangers, or whatnot.
Still amazing game thoug, Dallan through and through.
I really admired the building of my affection for the main characters, as well as the desire to have interactions or conversations with them. At first I thought it would take much longer to create links and many twists and turns in some matters, but then it was an arrow in my heart; I feel in certain parts that answers given by the character or by the "imaginary friend" are funny. The depths and certain revelations are interesting to see, and I admire the questions and challenges to be posed in the paths and how they are resolved", and I liked the question of the character having a gradual evolution as well. It was a correct formula that was done in an exemplary way, in addition to its beautiful way of demonstrating certain scenes where the characters are drawn in a cartoon style but without losing the personality that marks them (when they are taking off to a certain place together).
Regarding routes [Spoilers]: Dallan's route was amazing in its own way, being yours incredible "hero savior who will never let dangers get close to you". It has this level of psychological comfort that other routes don't focus on so peculiarly; Aiden, at first closed off in his own mind with his problems, opens up like a flower in spring after certain interactions with him in a unique and safe way; Tate demonstrates a greater number of obstacles and adversity that make him grow as an individual.
In general, thank you for sharing such a beautiful story.
Tate's storyline made me tear up. Granted, I'm a total sap, but it was still really well-written. Honestly, his chapter 1 could have been his entire storyline for the game and it would have been satisfying, so I can't wait to see what comes next.
Also, Ollie's a total cutie, but I can't bear to hurt Tate
"Tate's route is so good! Especially his story. Every character has their own unique stories and personalities, but for me, I think Tate's route has had a greater impact on me in terms of the story. As someone who is having a hard time finding a good story in manga, visual novels, anime, or other games that pique my interest, this one is truly exceptional. I believe it might be one of the best I have played, even though I am quite picky."
relatable. I’m quite a picky one myself I just can’t find any story really interested that I’ll be waiting for an update(I just forgot most of those I’m not really interested). This VN is already my favorite one and every Tate’s story is REALLY GOOD, I love it.
When I first saw this VN I was absolutely hooked, from the characters, the plot, the setting. I've been obsessed with Tate's route ever since it released. You've absolutely outdone yourself again MOF! I can't wait to see what you've got in store next!
I started playing this game for that cute bratty cat and I am most certainly satisfied. I actually really like Aiden and Dallan too, but having now found out about Tate's entire "deal", there's almost this sense of fear when I think about choosing the other two routes.
Considering the events that occured, things were going to turn out absolutely horribly for Tate if the MC wasn't right there to help him, which would be case if he pursed Aiden or Dallan instead. Tate's problems aren't something that could be ignored so I'm quite curious if his plot points would eventually be addressed in some way even in Aiden and Dallan's routes.
How do i unlock the first image in the second page of nsfw aiden? I think i tried all the combination in the dad conversation and i dont see any other oportunity before.
I am missing all of page 3 and 4 of tates nsfw gallery but I cannot find out how to get them. I followed the guides and I've tried every single dialog choice. Can anyone help?
Page 3 and 4 are gotten through the bad end of Tate's route because it's the sex scenes with Merina. You have to basically do the opposite of whatever Tate wants you to do and then you'll unlock the Merina/Ollie route. The guide explains exactly how to get it. https://twitter.com/MindOfFur/status/1692490559875608920
YAY, we have route for tate. I unlock most of the gallery but dallan nsfw seems locked. Sooo~ I need someone share a guide route for dallan [also for tate as well since there's 3-2 images are locked] to unlocked the dallan nsfw images. Advance thanks btw
It's been a while since I played through this. Tried it out back when Aiden was the only route available, loved him, but I always wanted to see what Tate's route would be like. After binging all 3 routes staying up till 4am for 3 nights in a row, I can say, WOW, still a fantastically enjoyable VN. I mean Tate himself, master of seduction and teasing he is, has a fantastic route, but then there's Ollie, that cute shy irresistibly adorable mouse. My heart skipped beats during those lab scenes. Being in the Sorcery Shard also means you get to be friends and flirt with Coal in the future too. Not to mention those other characters you get to meet with Tate in the forest. Dallan's route was amazing in his own way too. He has this level of psychological comfort the other 2 don't give as much, maybe because of how gentle and knowledgeable he comes across as. But it feels like with him, he's this big soft fluffy pillow and with him around you'll never have to worry about anything going too wrong. Aiden is still really hot with his clingy ways though <3
Can't wait for Chapter 2 of any of these boys! This VN is honestly like crack for me lmao
← Return to game
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I would like to ask
Will Chinese translation be added?
Yep, already out :)
Thank you ouo
I haven't finished the VN yet but I can say it is amazing. For one it is very funny and I haven't seen much myself from other VNs I've read. Then the plot is quite filling both romance wise and just story. I haven't finished any routes yet and planning on doing all of them. Through out the novel I would sit there and think how this could totally be an anime which is just me and my opinion. I love the art style it is the best I've seen imo, and I enjoy all the scenery and sprites! Amazing work 11/10, and I am definitely excited for future updates and revamps.
Glad you enjoyed it! Can't wait to hear your thoughts on all the endings ^^
I'll be honest, I did fantasize about making an anime opening in the past, but that would mean like...a year worth of work :>
I wasn't sure if to reply or make a new one entirely anyways. This is for Tates route and everything in general
Oh. My. God. That was amazing a treat a masterpiece a five star Michelin meal. Damn were the scenes good and holy crap the story. That was so rich and flavored, I just want more. Everything paces out perfectly and just makes sense mostly. I had moments where I questioned everything then later on I realize and everything clicked. The cuddling scene is so precious imo even the picnic date, aaaaaa it's so cute I could die. I also love how all the friends were just super hype and excited for it, I adore it.Then the dream glad we could uh yk figure out the mystery, but to see how his inner child is whole again is something I 1 never seen but 2 something that just relates so hard. Everyone starts with nothing but is always given something they just need to make do with it. The picnic scene and daisy hill was so akslalaoxjnala, everything just so beautifully crafted. And so much packed in for just 1 singular chapter, 1. This obviously took years to develop this if not years then count me impressed. This is hands down best VN I've read. Are there times that are effy yeah, I can say the music isn't great but it works. I have felt emotionally involved in everything, I've cried twice, gotten angry, been super excited and happy. It's just the package that delivers. A lot of this isn't related to Tates route specifically but I don't have much to say other than that it is exponential. I can't wait for another chapter, but most importantly all the routes possible. This was truly an experience, it's that fantasy world I've always dreamed of being in except for the lust but that's a bonus. Mof you did fantastic on creating such a thing, I am honestly very excited for whenever the next update will be
Help how do i get the dallan nsfw scenes??
You can only get nsfw scenes "around" Dallan, his story line hasn't reached this stage yet and neither for the other two. You may even say it's in "cuddles and kisses" state.
Just wondering, but aside from a couple of scenes, how exactly is this an NSFW game? I'm (according to itch) 3 hours into the game. And the only real NSFW stuff, was some dialogue (and a, I guess technically? Censored scene)
No like, major story spoilers please. And I'm on Dallan's route (really wanted, Therium's? "Cause...His Shard, and definitely nothing else. But it's not out yet)
The scenes are not meant to be shoved down your throat, if you look for them, they're there. Dallan's has a total of 3 so far.
Hey MindOfFur, i was curious to ask if Aiden will maybe get a reboot of his route or at least a quality upgrade with more content? Dont get me wrong, i love his route and its the one that made me love this VN since the beggining. But Dallan's and Tate's routes are so fucking good with much higher quality (maybe because Aiden's was just the demo) that i am left a bit sad that Aiden is not getting something similar. Also his route is much much shorter than the others.
Yep, Aiden will get almost a complete redo and Dallan will get a bit of extra content too.
this is the best vn i have ever read hands down. 12/10
fish flavored chips is atrocious 😭
but either way 10/10 vn
Beware of spoilers.
Most likely, tomatoes will fly in my face for this opinion, but I will still speak out.It will be about Tate, or rather about his obsessive nature towards the main character and how much he himself is an asshole.
The main character, in order to help Tate, even takes a desperate step by giving a stranger a blowjob, and argues with the director of the academy, taking on the risks of being kicked out of school, and how does Tate thank him for this!? – He constantly whines and insults the snow leopard if he does not spend time with him. And so it will be the whole route, he will scold MC for deciding to spend time with others (for example, with Merina and Oliver), and not with him, he will constantly impose his thoughts on him and criticize him for walking with a mouse and a fox, and not with him. The MC has known him for only 1-2 days and is not obliged to give all his time only to him. There is no such obsession in the route of Dallan or Aiden, they do not treat the protagonist in such a way as if he owes them something.
While I was reading, I just want to tell Tate:
- You and I have known each other for three days, what kind of friends are we?! I don't have to give all my time just to you, fuck off from me and let me spend time with whoever I want!
However, this is a matter of taste, this can actually be forgiven by making a reference to a neutral route.
But Tate's most despicable act at the end of the update infuriated me even more.
This cat deliberately throws the MC to death, and he did not even try to do something to save him, at least to call for help after teleportation, for example. Even if Tate had lost almost all of his mana, he could have called for help by teleporting to the academy, or at least to the nearest payphone to call the academy. However, he did not do this and left the MC to certain death, because he was offended, like a small child who was not given enough attention. And how convenient that after that the protagonist forgets all the events and does not blame Tate for what he did.
I would also like to say about the demon, which was completely forgotten in this update. He spent an unknown amount of time in prison, but all he does is watch Netflix in the head of the MC - seriously!? At the end of the game, if you follow Tate, in order to save the MC from death, the demon teleports his clothes with an amulet, BUT previously he could not do this for some reason, - why?
I hope the author will not delete my comment. I don't think Tate is a bad and terrible character, I just expressed aspects I didn't like about him.
I respect your opinion BUT:
Counter arguments!
-In Dallan's and Aiden's routes, when choosing to go with the side routes, it does not affect the boys in the least, since with Haima, Aiden is the one that ditches you, and with Dallan it's kind of similar plus it's his best friend so yeah, he doesn't mind. With Tate you constantly tell him "Sorry, I wanna hang out with these guys instead, bye, you do you." In his own words from the bad route: "Why do you build me up just to break me down again?"
- If Tate saves you at the end, he's warned that he will die, which he does, technically, both in the good and neutral ending, but he's 'revived', meaning he cares enough for Cody to sacrifice himself. When he leaves him, he has just enough magic to collapse but not die. By the time he can reach help it's too late.
-As for Scribbles, he said he's just not too interested in the Wild Furs and would rather watch movies, if that's not good enough of a reason for someone that's okay, I get it. I will say that one of the reason I decided to push his comments back a little was to just...not ruin the moments, since most of the 3rd day is a bit more serious/emotional but still sexually charged enough for him to come out from time to time.
I definitely don't think Tate or Cody or Aiden or even Dallan are perfect characters morally, but I do want to defend my little traumatized cat boy.
Oh, as for the amulet, I don't remember every detail or plot point in the game, but remember that Scribbles can only cast spells if Cody allows him to, so since Cody never told him to save him or do anything like that, he couldn't, same with the pants and amulet, but maybe I'm missing something here idk :v
I agree with you in many ways. Tate doesn't know how to behave with people, but it's not his fault. I think the bigger problem is the one-sidedness of the plot. What I mean is: you are literally told almost at the very beginning of your journey to choose the path of the character. And that's it, you chose it and you no longer have the opportunity to go to another route, only to a bad/ neutral / good ending, no more. I hope that there will be more choices in chapter 2.
That's why the Ollie Route is best route. the fact that he can turn you down? and Tate asks you to turn him down?! amazing. 12/10
Well I agree with the comment above. Tate surprised me. I've been waiting for him for so long, and he turned out to be a candy with a bitter filling.
He literally left Cody to die. The very act of not trying to do anything at all already says a lot about him.
At least he could have told someone about what happened after the incident, but he just decided to keep quiet. - Well, someone died, so what, little things, right? Or almost died.
Besides, he could teleport to the academy, even if he could not speak, but simply fell unconscious, this would already serve as a signal to others that something bad had happened.
Tate's route, trying to bring us closer to him, but I, on the contrary, felt myself moving further away from him. Eventually, I found solace in route with Oliver and cute lynx from the village, it's a shame that there will be no continuation of it.
Of course, respect from me to the author, for such a great big update with many arts.
Does anyone know how to get the top left CG on NSFW Aiden page 2?
For the CG you have to basically make all the bad choices with Aiden's route then "Ask about Aiden"
Is there a guide for unlock all nsfw cg and endings availables? I only found one for tate route but i want ones for aiden and dallan routes
Is there a way to unlock all the scenes in the gallery? Is because there are in the game a lot of choises and i am lost with them
I've got all of Tate's gallery but somehow i'm still missing all the scences in page 3, 4 of NSFW Tate, also the same case with NSFW Aiden page 2 image 1, and all of NSFW Dallan.... Is there a guide on how to get it and can i have it?
Will there be updates to the existed stories? Because i sure love what i've seen so far, from the art style to the story, perfectly my type, but i saw someone comment it will get rework or something, at least for Aiden.
I personally don't like how vn with routes works, purely because i sometimes can't figure how to get to some of the endings or scences. But for this project i sure try hard. Pls help me >.< Thanks!
Dallan is my #1 favorite in the vn!
But I also enjoyed Aiden's and Tate's route. I'm eager to see how old Scribbles plays out in his upcoming route. Then is onwards to Chapter 2 with my Dallan! ❤️
I 100% can't wait for more from Dallan's Route. the game said i got the best possible ending, but thats still yet to be seen, all i got was his kiss. though very intimate, and sweet, and i loved every second of it.
Me too, fellow Dallan fan
10/10 game. I didn't expect it to hit me in the feels as hard as it did, especially on Tate's ending. Keep up the great work!
Also may I ask if there's anywhere I can listen to the soundtrack? I can only find like 2 songs online and none in the files. Thanks!
Okay, first of all, congratulations on this project! It's really amazing how I expected something like a sexual scene every few lines of dialogue with a very simple story but I got a very elaborate plot (at least, with Tate's Rute, that is the one that I'm playing at the moment) and very heartwarming characters. Yeah, the sexual theme is everywhere, but it isn't annoying and, in a lot of times, the jokes and the humor is fantastic.
My questions is... The routes that are completed are Dallan's, Aiden's and Tate's, am I right? What will it be the last route? I'm super curious about it :3
The grandpa's route aka Scribble, The MC will also join the summoner shard.
Tate's route is just such a beautiful story of 2 fuckboys finding each other 🥹 I love it so much
After completing aidens route, it says that I completed the demo.
Does this mean that his route will be updated? Id love to see more of that tiger.
Aiden's route will get a rework, probably after the forth route is done.
This game is absolutely fantastic! Im not really normally a fan of Visual Novels, but this game changed my mind. The writing is so clever and entertaining, and the stories are heartwarming and fantastic. This game is honestly my favorite furry media Ive seen.
MindOfFur, absolutely Phenomenal job, and I wish you the most success going forward. I'll be anxiously waiting for each and every update!
Tate's update is amazing, so congrats Dev! If you don't mind I'd like to ask one tiny question.
Obviously, there will be no continuation of the worst ending for the...obvious reason. But what about the bad ending? Cody is still alive & kicking and the test is still going on, The only major difference is that Tate is now out of the picture, which is understandable...and sad, but other than that the story can still continue.
So will there be any continuation for this particular 'route'? I mean I wouldn't mind continuing this silly romance with the shy twink rat and mommy foxxy (or both if you know what I mean ;D).
Anyhow, congrats again Mr.Dev for this awesome game! Please continue this awesome work, we'll always support you!
Nope :3
I see! Thanks for the reply!
RIP best boy route
Dallan's route major spoiler
OMFG I was just looking for some cool names for the characters in my book and Googled "Dallan" to learn the meaning and found out it means "little blind one" in Irish... You guys are absolute genius. T-T
Tate’s route was so damn sweet and full of emotions
I’m scared to do the worst ending
Hope I don’t have to in order to get all the images
Well… I guess that was to be expected…
Also, I’m missing the bottom right picture on the second page
The part that really hurt was what came after the worst ending
Loved it! I just hope there will be more full friend group content. Every route in chapter 1 focused on only Cody and the romantic interest, which is understandable, but I hope in the future there will be more group activities, like [SPOLIERS] the kiss in Tate's route where everyone in the friendgroup was (somewhat) involved and had a talking role, or the detention in Dallan's route. Just a nice picnic, or the group exporing the Acadamy's dangers, or whatnot.
Still amazing game thoug, Dallan through and through.
and sad
My feedback:
I really admired the building of my affection for the main characters, as well as the desire to have interactions or conversations with them. At first I thought it would take much longer to create links and many twists and turns in some matters, but then it was an arrow in my heart; I feel in certain parts that answers given by the character or by the "imaginary friend" are funny. The depths and certain revelations are interesting to see, and I admire the questions and challenges to be posed in the paths and how they are resolved", and I liked the question of the character having a gradual evolution as well. It was a correct formula that was done in an exemplary way, in addition to its beautiful way of demonstrating certain scenes where the characters are drawn in a cartoon style but without losing the personality that marks them (when they are taking off to a certain place together).
Regarding routes [Spoilers]: Dallan's route was amazing in its own way, being yours incredible "hero savior who will never let dangers get close to you". It has this level of psychological comfort that other routes don't focus on so peculiarly; Aiden, at first closed off in his own mind with his problems, opens up like a flower in spring after certain interactions with him in a unique and safe way; Tate demonstrates a greater number of obstacles and adversity that make him grow as an individual.
In general, thank you for sharing such a beautiful story.
this was better than i imagined it would be. 100/10.
Tate's storyline made me tear up. Granted, I'm a total sap, but it was still really well-written. Honestly, his chapter 1 could have been his entire storyline for the game and it would have been satisfying, so I can't wait to see what comes next.
Also, Ollie's a total cutie, but I can't bear to hurt Tate
I know right!? if the description doesn't straight up say that this is just chapter 1, I'd think this is his whole route!
Strong plot point, relationship development, plot twist, climax, and a happy ending & resolution.
It just feels so complete compared to others (one isn't even out yet).
10/10, can't wait to see where this goes
Oh wow, looks like it's time to replay this one
omg this and Repeat getting updated back to back is giving me back my will to live <3
"Tate's route is so good! Especially his story. Every character has their own unique stories and personalities, but for me, I think Tate's route has had a greater impact on me in terms of the story. As someone who is having a hard time finding a good story in manga, visual novels, anime, or other games that pique my interest, this one is truly exceptional. I believe it might be one of the best I have played, even though I am quite picky."
relatable. I’m quite a picky one myself I just can’t find any story really interested that I’ll be waiting for an update(I just forgot most of those I’m not really interested). This VN is already my favorite one and every Tate’s story is REALLY GOOD, I love it.
same 😀
When I first saw this VN I was absolutely hooked, from the characters, the plot, the setting. I've been obsessed with Tate's route ever since it released. You've absolutely outdone yourself again MOF! I can't wait to see what you've got in store next!
Maybe a bit spoiler-ish
I started playing this game for that cute bratty cat and I am most certainly satisfied. I actually really like Aiden and Dallan too, but having now found out about Tate's entire "deal", there's almost this sense of fear when I think about choosing the other two routes.
Considering the events that occured, things were going to turn out absolutely horribly for Tate if the MC wasn't right there to help him, which would be case if he pursed Aiden or Dallan instead. Tate's problems aren't something that could be ignored so I'm quite curious if his plot points would eventually be addressed in some way even in Aiden and Dallan's routes.
Hi, i love the game. Just have a question.
How do i unlock the first image in the second page of nsfw aiden? I think i tried all the combination in the dad conversation and i dont see any other oportunity before.
Thanks in advance.
I am missing all of page 3 and 4 of tates nsfw gallery but I cannot find out how to get them. I followed the guides and I've tried every single dialog choice. Can anyone help?
Page 3 and 4 are gotten through the bad end of Tate's route because it's the sex scenes with Merina. You have to basically do the opposite of whatever Tate wants you to do and then you'll unlock the Merina/Ollie route. The guide explains exactly how to get it. https://twitter.com/MindOfFur/status/1692490559875608920
Will Chinese translation be added
Idk if I missed it somewhere and I read through the tate route guide on twitter but is there no nsfw scene with tate/mc at all or did I miss it?
YAY, we have route for tate. I unlock most of the gallery but dallan nsfw seems locked. Sooo~ I need someone share a guide route for dallan [also for tate as well since there's 3-2 images are locked] to unlocked the dallan nsfw images. Advance thanks btw
It's been a while since I played through this. Tried it out back when Aiden was the only route available, loved him, but I always wanted to see what Tate's route would be like. After binging all 3 routes staying up till 4am for 3 nights in a row, I can say, WOW, still a fantastically enjoyable VN. I mean Tate himself, master of seduction and teasing he is, has a fantastic route, but then there's Ollie, that cute shy irresistibly adorable mouse. My heart skipped beats during those lab scenes. Being in the Sorcery Shard also means you get to be friends and flirt with Coal in the future too. Not to mention those other characters you get to meet with Tate in the forest. Dallan's route was amazing in his own way too. He has this level of psychological comfort the other 2 don't give as much, maybe because of how gentle and knowledgeable he comes across as. But it feels like with him, he's this big soft fluffy pillow and with him around you'll never have to worry about anything going too wrong. Aiden is still really hot with his clingy ways though <3
Can't wait for Chapter 2 of any of these boys! This VN is honestly like crack for me lmao