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Hello, after the fourth path is updated, should the aiden line be remade first and then the second line? Sorry, my English is not good, so I translated using computer.


Yes, Aiden's rework comes first, then chapter 2.

(4 edits)

Is it still worth playing Aiden's route if it's about to be revamped?

Itch also tells me that I'm playing 1.4 yet I cannot start the Scribbles route and the gallery is still the old version. Reinstalling and checking for updates haven't worked. What do I do to fix this?


If you don't play this version of Aiden's route you might never be able to after the rework :) See for yourself how much of an improvement it's going to be when it's out.
Not sure about the other thing, nobody seems to have a problem like that so try to play it on a different device.


Alright then, thank you.

(Also, your game is fantastic! I love the characters and the artstyle. Keep up the good work!)


I really love Tate, he's a babi 

(1 edit) (+2)(-2)

i love this VN from the same moment there is a jojoreference

(spoiler warning)


Sorry, could you place the image lower so it's not visible and give a spoiler warning please?  Otherwise I'd have to delete the comment "^^

But glad you like it! :]


sorry, didn't consider it as a major spoiler, ill lower it now!


certified masterpiece


(1 edit) (+5)

I genuinely cannot recommend this game enough, it is INCREDIBLE. I have been obsessing over it for the past 2 weeks and playing the best ending routes over and over. I love how replaying routes is actually interesting because depending on what other routes you have played certain details written into the routes make more sense. The attention to detail is phenomenal and the characters are so memorable. I am SEATED for upcoming updates. Also Dallan my husband my beloved. Out of curiosity, will future chapters follow each character's route or is there a "canon" route of sorts? 

I've Been Reading Since the Day it Came out Basically it Came out as a full Chapter One In Aiden's Route Unlike the others who only Gives a Sprinkle on the Menu This Novels Gives a Whole dish at First


Can someone help me with getting the fourth nsfw scene in Aiden's rout? I think I've already tried all the options, but I still dont understand what needs to be done to get it


I can't get the last two Nsfw from dallan, can someone tell me how to get them? Please


Since someone is having trouble opening the gallery, I made a "little" guide on how to open everything and get some endings. I hope the author of the game does not mind.

You can simply view the map with the extension (mindmup 2.0 for google drive). Download this file to google drive, install the extension and open the map, everything is simple.

It's essentially a skeleton of the game with choices that allow you to unlock arts for each route.


Thank you but the problem is that I am careful with the link that is sent to me so sorry but I would not click. I don't want to catch viruses or get hacked sorry, so if you can make me a copy paste just of the last two scenes nsfw of dallan


Do the colors to some block/paths mean anything? or are they just to track were your going better.


Yes, the color determines the end of the character's rout and the opening of certain arts in the gallery.

i wanted to use it but this is all that apered fore me

(3 edits) (+1)

You need to use a browser extension - (mindmup 2.0 for google drive). Download my file to google drive, and open it with the program. You can see how to use mindmup in any youtube tutorial, it's very easy.


that worked thans


Easily one of the best VN's I've played. Took way longer than I expected to do a single route, but I'm not complaining, this game is great. Tate's route is definitely my favorite, though.


I would go a different route but it would feel like cheating on Aiden :sob:

Love the game though.. NOW GIVE CHAPTER 2! GRRR 3:<


By your logic, I'm a hopeless slut. After all, not only have I read all the other routes, I've also read a bunch of other furry novels where I also have a husbando:)


AHEM... I'm talking about exclusively for this game it would feel like I'm cheating 

just like you I'm also a hopeless slut :sob: 

I've played like 14 different furry related VN and so far my favorite is remember the flowers its kind of hard to find really good VN's I play depending on the story and if the characters seem like the people put at least a bit of effort into drawing them 

but either way we are the same brother hardly anything is different from me and you  well based off of that text that is lol

the main reason I don't do other routs is because I mainly pick a char I like then stick to their route because I'm too lazy to do the others


im a yapper :3


I was just joking. Besides, I like being a hopeless slut in games, he-he)


fair ngl  we still the same :skull:


Then I hope you'll at least come back for Aiden's rework :3

(2 edits)

He's getting a rework???? like a style change?

Deleted 213 days ago
(1 edit) (+1)

Help, I just realized who you are :skull:. 

It took me a long second to realize that..

 it is an honor to be in your presents don't send me away sir :sob: .

He's not getting style change, just a rework on his route to make it more consistant to the other routes and add more content.

ohh, k thankies :3

I feel the same way about Tate I can't bring myself to do the other routes, I tried doing so but it didn't feel right I'm too emotionally attached to the purple cat

I love cats but honestly I but one thing I love more then cats are bigger cats :3 that's why I chose Aiden's route 


I absolutely love Tate he's so eccentric and and unique hehe plus I love the story behind him hope the next part of the game comes soon


Tates route is awesome woohoo nice work dev i really love it ive been waiting for chapter 2 for so long now😭


i cant wait wait for more updates this vn is absolutely beautiful i just love it it has some amazing artwork i hope an update come soon 


If Cody starts an OnlyFans, I'm betting my left over sanity that either Tate or Aiden would find it and subscribe lol. (That's assuming if Aiden has a crush on Cody considering he acts weird in some of the other routes.)


Best VN I've played so far, I cant get it out of my head it is so damn good! Tate is the actual best character in my opinion. His path is the absolute best and I need more of him and his story with m/c. I honestly wasn't expecting to go on such an emotional journey but I'm so happy I did. This was written so wonderfully had me laughing, filled with anticipation, and  literally crying, this was a total roller coaster of an adventure. Not only all that but the art is AMAZING! It's done so well and fit every scene so perfectly to create atmosphere from serious to light and fluffy and cute and spicy of course :P. I cant wait to see what comes next for M/C and Tate. I know ill be tossing my support to you and all your works <3


I pray we hopefully get voice acting (if that's even possible in the first place) because I'm DYING to hear this accent Cody mentioned Therium having. (I'm just assuming either Russian or something french. 🤷)


There definitely won't be voice acting in the game itself, but we might do a fan dub playthrough video at some point. 
Also, Therium has just a hint of an Italian accent :]

(4 edits) (-8)

lust shards uses copyrighted art without permission. this google doc lists all the assets and where they're originally from:


Most of the images were replaced a long time ago... and the ones that aren't will be gone when Aiden's route gets updated, at least check your sources before you copy paste bad info from word of mouth.


sorry for not being up to date then. though i was at least a little correct, until they are all replaced.

but hey, this is good news


So this is the first time you hear about this?
Wouldn't it have been so much easier on the heart to just ask, "hey, is this true?" to the actual creator before getting upset over those 4-5 people's grudge against me? :/

This is the only CG I don't have on Tates route

How do I get it???


you should be able to get it if you go on dallans route its how i got mine

(1 edit)

Even though the CG is under Tates route???

Edit: found it!! Thanks!

Sorry, does anyone know how to get the complete Tate scene with the Nightfallen?

I NEED MORE OF TATES ROUTE PLSSSSSSSSS plus does anyone know how to get the bad ending for tates route?

u basicly betray him the whole time

ah thx just finished the bad ending 

i would try it to get them but i like tate too much to mess it up

This Vn is good. Totally love it. By the way, I was wondering how to unlock all Dallan's cg. Does anyone know how?

hey since this says chapter 1 does that mean their will be a chapter 2 in the future with the same characters




yeeeeessssssss! thank u some much for tates i really love it since i just finished it , it was really emotional and touching and i cant wait for the next chapter

Just a random question, 

Will there ever be a guide to get each CG for each route? I know people ask how to get certain CGs in the comments, but I was just asking if there'd be a guide included in the game or somethin 

In the actual game no, probably not

hey i dunno if youll see this but will their be a chapter 2 in the future for tates route an will it be as long as this one (hopefully)


I'm pretty sure this is the best VN ever. It's just so perfect and I want so much more! 

yea this and promisses to keep

So in love with Dallan's route, would love to have that final song as it's just so beautiful


Is Merina gonna have a second chapter on her route?


I know it's technically the "bad ending" for Tate but I ended up loving her way of saving the MC with ice and fury, and even if I like Tate as well, I honestly prefer Merina, considering that Tate left us to die.


Estoy amando este juego con todo mi ser :D

 Es decir, es uno de los mejores juegos que he tenido el gusto de probar de éste género. Y a pesar de no estar en español, se disfruta bastante gracias a la historia de los personajes y cada ruta, realmente es muy prometedor y merece más apoyo del que actualmente tiene. 


PD: Me encanto la ruta de Tate, y si bien es bastante fácil el mal interpretarlo al inicio, en su ruta demuestra una personalidad bastante tierna y agradable. Además de que casi me muero al verlo desesperado al encontrar al protagonista amarrado por los Nightfallen, es realmente una ruta muy disfrutable y entretenida. Y aunque que me resulta imposible apoyar en Patreon, espero que el creador pueda disfrutar tanto de esta experiencia como los jugadores. Esperaremos ansiosos por las actualizaciones :D 

Buenas noches :) 


I got the Therium  Route on my first playthought! Is this a... secret route or what?


I must say I don't completly understand his lustful anger at the MC, maybe it's because our protagonist having a demon inside of him makes everyone who is near fall in love with us instantly, and Therium frustrations comes from somehow knowing this, but he can't do anything about it?

It's like knowing you're addicted to a drug, you don't like the drug but can't really do anything to stop ingesting it.

Somehow it seems like he can see all "routes" that we take with his magic, and he's so annoyed that this is the only route that we even care about him.

Anyways, that Love/Hate thing is kinda hot, what's wrong with me haha.


Spoiler (My thought)

Therium lustful anger is likely coming from his sorrow and frustation from time's reset(Imagine the person you fall in love with don't even recognize you again and again.) 

The cloak person also warned Therium times and times again 'Yo, don't get too attach to Cody lol' but then everything just repeat in circle.   


Absolutely loved this game! and i cant wait to continue where i left off when chapter 2 releases!


Amazing game cried a lot and hope this continues



I absolutely adore this game, I got all three good endings in 2 days and good lord, I love all of them so much. I am currently crying and being far too emotionally attached to Tate, Aiden and Dallan. PLEASE MORE AIDEN AND TATE (Dallan is cool too but I didn't really like the addition of bean and whats-his-face imo.) There needs to be more games like this. I will not rush you, but, PLEASE I NEED MORE AIDEN AND TATE IN MY LIFEEEEEE. 




i just finished Tates line and how in the hell am i missing NSFW pages 3-6 BRO WHAT how much am i missing for that ;-;


you know what f*ck the rest of the NSFW pages I almost cried bc of how we treated Tate just to get some sex WHY 


Does anyone know what song Aiden is playing in his guitar session? (Or if it's its own song and if it has been uploaded anywhere) It's just so nice

Yes, it's called Romantic Guitar Instrumental, here's the link

Omg, thank you so much!

(1 edit) (+6)

Since someone is having trouble opening the gallery, I made a "little" guide on how to open everything and get some endings. I hope the author of the game does not mind.

You can simply view the map with the extension (mindmup 2.0 for google drive). Download this file to google drive, install the extension and open the map, everything is simple.

It's essentially a skeleton of the game with choices that allow you to unlock arts for each route.


life saver

(1 edit) (+3)

I really want to know how I can unlock the NSFW cg for Tate pages  4 and 5 that I've tried so many times .  Orz

I think I might need some help


Don't go with Tate on his adventure 

And meet with Merina and Oliver

Deleted 65 days ago

I work alone on 90% of things :] I also try to take advantage of as much royalty free assets I can, accept any volunteer work I'm offered and for important moments in the story I sometimes get commissions too.

It depends on what kind of help you need and what kind of project you have, but help can be found as long as you're vocal enough about it.


Okay... I may be dumb for asking this but... I see that there are 4 routes, 3 are obviously Tate, Aiden, and Dallan, and the 4th has been said to be Scribbles... but since Therium exists, with his own Gallery, normal and NSFW... is Therium going to be a route or is he not a route and just a bonus thing... I'm a bit confused tbh


I haven't played Summoner route with different choices yet, but I think Therium is sort of like a bonus thing?


I don't know if this happens if you accept all of Therium's advances, since I turned him down at times. But at the end of the currently available Summoner route, he turns against you, causing a certain thing to happen which unlocks a new option earlier in the day. I THINK. Which then would be fully Scribbles route?

Yeah, I did the Therium route and it started over with the new option but then it seemed to end and finish the chapter. Maybe I chose wrong?

No, you didn't choose wrong! It's because Scribbles route chapter 1 isn't finished yet, so next update it should continue once you choose that new option.

Oh! Sweet. I can’t wait. Thank you.

To get Therium, I had to choose the not obvious option when it asks you to talk to Tate, Aiden, or Dallan at the shard meeting. I cant remember what it is. Something like "leave the room." You do that and end up finding Therium. I really wanted Therium my first time through but ended up with Dallen because I couldn't figure it out. Next time through, I chose the leave option and ran into him. 


I remember when I first read this vn, it was about 150-200 MB, now it's almost a whole GB. It's incredible. <3


Aiden?! SIR?!


Oh yes, I very much like the idea of TWO Aidens banging MC in the future. That cuddle scene was so cute my heart did a little dance. Also, I love the shameless and bold mutual flirting, hope to see more of it in the future builds.

That "Good boy" line... That did a little something deep inside me.

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