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(3 edits) (+7)

A while ago I heard some really good things about this project and a couple of days ago I finally decided to give it a go... BAM! Immediately hooked! So far I've only gone through Dallan's route and I'm so in love with him 🫠. Can't wait to see where the story will go! 

Also, a little feedback. I would really appreciate it if you added a hide button for the android version. There were so many scenes I wished I could hide the text. Had to go back and forth in those moments when the dialogue box would fade in/out just to see the whole picture for less than a sec 😭. So if possible, it would be a very helpful addition!

Deleted 80 days ago

That's intentional


Why tho?


I played this game during the summer vacation,this is really a great work.It is excellent in both painting and text,But it is a pity that there is not much discussion in China(My country), I will try my best to recommend this game to my friend.

I played three routes in the summer vacation(now it seems that someone else's route has been updated , But as a student, I will go to school tomorrow😭😭😭),My favorite person is Dallan,at the end, the protagonist goes to the forest for a picnic with Dallan, which I think is very romantic.

The text of the whole game is quite OK,The foreshadowing buried in front of the game  makes the promotion of the game plot less abrupt.The meticulous description of two people's emotions in the game also makes the game feel very substituted(but I think there is still a lot of room for improvement in the rendering of the atmosphere in the game)

In the end, I also hope that the author can do better and better.Don't forget that you have many fans in China and we will always support you. (-^〇^-) 


The tate route is TOO good like I played the tate route a couple of days ago and i can't bring myself to play anyother path because I know I would feel guilty about not helping him I litarly made this acount just to post this comment


May i ask in the near future when do you think this will be completed if I may ask MindOfFur?


The... whole game? Well, the climax will happen in chapter 2 in more ways than one, but the game should continue into chapter 3-4 at least. Cody hasn't even started his school years which is like, the main point of a magic Academy story.
So I absolutely can't give a time.

Ok thx tho for answering


First of all, this has to be the most wonderful and creative visual novel I have ever seen. I've played two VNs before, but the one I’ve become most attached to is definitely Lust Shards. The emotion the creator has poured into this, the jokes, the little comments, and even the characters breaking the fourth wall—it's all such a joy to experience. The music choice was fantastic, and there were so many beautifully drawn art pieces throughout. Most VNs only include illustrations after special events, but in this masterpiece, I see them every 10 minutes as I progress through the story. I'm truly in love with how well this VN was crafted—I can't stop saying it.

Personally, I played through Tate's route, and it stirred so many emotions in me at once. There was even a moment where I found myself tossing my laptop around like a little kid, exclaiming, "WHAT. WHAT. HOW DID THAT HAPPEN. WHAT."

And if that wasn’t enough, I documented multiple funny lines throughout the novel.

With that being said, thank you so much, MindOfFur, for creating this visual novel. You could have easily charged for this masterpiece, and I probably wouldn't be here writing this, but you didn’t. You chose to give this piece of art away to people who might not be able to afford such things.

I’m not sure if it’s true, but I read that you’re a solo artist? Wow. That’s incredible.

Still, I got attached to this novel within just a few days, and I would love a second chapter with more Tate routes! I’m definitely going to try the other routes, and I know there’s still one more coming (as far as I’m aware), but even if you decide not to continue this novel (maybe due to a lack of Patreon supporters or something), always remember: you’re helping people escape reality. You make people happy. You make them cry tears of joy and sadness. And we, your fans, appreciate everything you do—myself included.

So, if you ever doubt whether the novel is getting enough attention, remember this comment and all the other people here who love your work and love you.

Thank you so much, MindOfFur, for everything.


Thank you so much! This made my week! ^^

The support I'm getting, whether it's financial or emotional is amazing! So I'm definitely not planning on quitting anytime soon :D
Hope you don't mind if I share this message with our server :3


I dont mind ofc! Im happy I made your week :D This game def also made my week, so thank you again! Hope to see more content soon ^^


I'm immediately obsessed on this vn that I finished it in just 10 hours lmao. I wanna see more updates come out.


Nevermind, I forgot the other routes


Btw, pls add a hide button

(1 edit) (+2)

If you're on pc you can middle click OR press H to hide text :)


We is chapter 2 coming out i love the vn


Chapter 1 is not done yet


When will be the next update 😭😭 im so excited this game realy make me forget all my problems 😻hope its comming soon. And good Luck ❤️.

(1 edit) (+3)

Because there are many characters in the story, I am curious about how you plan to arrange the appearance of the characters in Chapter 2 in the future. Will they all appear?

I feel that coal is very cute .

For the past two years, I have been looking forward to the secrets in the story that have not yet been revealed .

I really hope Aiden and Cody can have a more intimate CG .😭😭😭


I'm just noticing that there's a lack of woof sounds or jokes for Alvy's route


Cause it's new


Please don't rush, take your time. The more time you take, the less mistakes you make and the more it is enjoyable to read in the end. We can wait a bit longer, nothing's bad about it.


But excellent stories always make people eager to see updates




MAKE MORE RIGHT NOW! (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻




1,010 MegaBytes!?!?!?, Man I can play that


Heyy can someone help me to have the second page of aiden's nsfw please

Scribble count as main RO? 

... Could it be he's not main ro bc IT'S NOT HIS REAL NAME OR DIRECTLY TO HIM??

I see that you does put effort into showing how the Lust Rush still effect when Cody try to ignored it in Alvy route.

And so my assumption was correct? We're doing a seven deadly sins? Pride, Envy, Lust and now Alvy with Greed.

What do you mean by the seven deadly sins? Could you explain more as this is rather interesting.

(1 edit) (+1)

Well, the game introduce us to Scribbles which is a demon of Lust. Then we sees Therium also in contact with a demon and gains his power, Therium clearly have tendency towards jealousy. Which can be theories that his demon is Envy. Then Alvy dialogue with his ring where the said "Greed is ntc" and SCRIBBLES felt that the sentence was familiar.

Not sure if principal Lion is possessed by Pride or not but he sure is prideful.

This is a very interesting hypothesis, but that would be too complicated😂


I don't think there's any complications to it. Just another generals shounen who are useless, who made a friend with his inner demon to becoming powerful enough to fight against others demon or made alliances to some.

Seven deadly sins are a concept that are familiar and doesn't makes much of a difference to the plots. It's just add a touch to it, sound cool and think who as who yada yada.

Can someone tell me if i’m wrong or not, did Aiden’s route have a NSFW CG with his clone? Was it just my imagination?


it didn't

This might be much, but does anyone know how to get both the second and third images for Aiden's NSFW gallery on the first page? As well as the bottom two picture on page three and the entirety of page four of Dallan's regular gallery? Much appreciated to anyone who can help! 

(2 edits)

I left a link to the guide somewhere below.

Of course, if you're not afraid of evil lynx hackers, who want to hack your computer...

Can u post a photo pls? Most of them are with his father… sadly, btw is it my imagination or did Aiden have a CG with Cody with his clone?

Yeah I think I got most of the ones with his father done, but I'm missing these two for Aiden.

You get them in the same scene (shower) just check if there's a different decision 

This game could go on for a long time, meaning it could have hundreds of chapters if you really put your mind to it, even I can tell it's got that big chance of doing so!

I wish you the best of luck in this endeavor if thats the case, I really don't want this visual novel to end. Honestly, it's like my favorite by far.

Anyone got any idea how to get the first image in Tate's gallery? I've completed his NSFW one, and I got everything else for his normal one, I just have no clue how to get the first one!

Also, LOVING the game, Tate is mine (I'm not sharing), can NOT wait for more. Will defo be supporting on Patreon sometime

I think it's in Aiden's route, that's how I got it.


this is such a good game i love it and i hope you carry on this is a masterpiece you feel like your there and your part of the story and (my favorite character personally)  tate is perfect and so cute i cant wait for this part to carry on i will support this game till the end


Hope ya don't stop; this visual novel being stopped would suck. It's hard to find such novel's that actually make you feel like you're a part of it. It...I guess you could say, help's me focus on something more expansive than the dull grey moments in my life.

So, you've got my support on this!


FYI, rlly love the tate story line.

FYI-FYI, Haima is also a character that would make an interesting love interest. I'm not far in enough to know if it a possibility to be with him, but it would be cool IF SO!

FYI-FYI-FYI, I am now more in love with haima than tate, aiden, or any other character combined. Please, for my sanity, and so that my heart doesn't explode from heartbreak if he isn't a datable character, MAKE HIM A DATABLE CHARACTER! He's soooooo cute! 

FYI-FYI-FYI-FYI.........NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! You made it to where he has NO feelings for him! OMG, you're killing me!!!!


Does anyone know how to unlock Aiden's last 2 CG's?


Spend time with Haida



Question for mind when are we gonna get a hide button?


press H


Android 😌


I finished dallan's route but i don't know how to get these pls help me


so... we really can't have Alvy as a main ro? he is so cute : ( one of my favs, F

We have only scene the 3 main lovers have NSFW but not from them but from therium did so those that mean Alvy would have one...probably this side characters get all the love.

(1 edit) (+2)

Alvy will get in Chapter 1 since he's not a main romance, the 3 main lovers wil all get nsfw scene in Chap2(And more). 


Is it possible to access chelsie route without ending up with dallan? I've grown to like chelsie quite a bit as a things tinkerer myself but dallan is more of a friend material 


not possible.

Dunlan has a NSFW How many scenes? I only unlocked a few scenes, but when I replayed them, nothing changed at all.

Because it wasn't belongs to Dallain, meaning wasn't included Dallaimn. It's actually Chelsy's.

Same with others route, except for Tate cockblocked scene with tentacles.


Alvy so cute

This may be a bit off topic but is there a discord for this game's fandom? (I know about the Patreon one)

I don't so?

(2 edits) (+1)

I'm currently on Tate's route, and I'm loving this game. I already finished Aiden's route, and I like it, though very bizarre at the end.

I really like Tate. He's really cute, and such a troublemaker. (Also for some reason, I imagine he has an Australian or New Zealand accent. Don't know why)

The ending is more wholesome just don't pick other stuff except spending time with him otherwise bad end


Hey there, I'm Bi and was wondering if you could romance female characters as well. I am  a HUGE fan of furry and your artwork is utterly amazing.


The MC is bi as well! They aren't main routes, but so far you can romance Merina (via Tate's route) and have some fun scenes with Chelsea (via Dallan's)!


I'm so sad that Merina is not a main route, I really wanted to have a second chapter with her as an option 


this is just.. Wow! (minor spoiler warning btw)

i really thought i couldn't be surprised by this VN again after the Tate route, but i could not have been more wrong! i thought i wasn't gonna do the Therium route since i didn't really like him, but it is reeeally well written and the mystery really leaves you on your toes sometimes! (REAL BIG SPOILER) i do feel like since he takes a more antagonistic stance than the dynamic trio there should be a way to not end up with a main character that is thoroughly in love with Therium though, even selecting "I don't really like him" when given the choice doesn't seem to change the outcome in any way, it is nice to have the choice to not sleep with him though!

the inclusion of Scribbles as a narrator is outstandind, makes me wish we could have it on the other routes as well but i see how it's thematic to the summoner route, keeping the promise and all.

Last of all, Alvy! at first i was kinda bummed that you have to go through the entire Therium route to start meeting him, but after doing it i'd say it's really worth it even just for the single day you get with him so far, he's such a cutie! i'm curious if this reset situation will mean that Alvy's route will have more content than the other routes  when all routes are finished due to it going back to day 1 after what that weirdo does to ya, or how if you're handling this route differently than the others, either way i am deffinitely looking foward to this one, mayybe as much as the Tate route i'd say!

even with all the praise i'll give this VN (and it really deserves it) there is something i noticed after playing all 4 of the routes, specifically how two of them deffinitely were made with more than "magic themed dating sim" in mind, if you played all 4 you probably noticed how Dallan and Aiden's Routes have muuch less going on than Tate's and Therium/Alvy's, the latter go beyond "cute boy awooga awooga" and have really well written storylines and give more backstories to their characters. Yes, Dallan's "situation" hit me like a truck at the end of his route (the first i played) and the Headmaster getting freaky all of a sudden shocked me pretty bad, i did enjoy them for what they were, as dating sims. but them Tate's route came out and it was CRAZY good and then followed now by Alvy's (...and i guess Therium's) and their stories taking COMPLETELY different turns compared to Aiden and Dallan's was fantastic to read! i really love all these characters, and i can't wait to see more of all of them now that you're decided to expand further from "just a dating sim" and it is now so much more!

overall, 10/10, would recommend!


Idk if you're right. I thought he planned each route to have a quirk that that you find out. Aiden has a C and his dad is the H. Dallan is B. Tate is an O. And scribbles route is about dealing with the antagonist and for some reason alvy.

Each route then has connected problems.. Aiden with his dad, dallan with how's treated, tate with his.. dad lol

Then there's other plot points sprinkled in i forget where, like that totally straight fker that bangs the nightfallen guy with a funny name.. The woman that bangs nightfallen and does experiments.. Mc's curse to bang random strangers.. Ok maybe it's all sex but funilly enough it all ties to some other plot point lol

I mean, the story is great and it's just starting, i'm wondering what the fuck would a bigger climax of an arc look like. We already have some clues to the happenings.. like the antagonist biding his time until he does something to win back the rights of nightfallen..

How long does it take to make an update?

It depends on whether they are not busy with IRL stuff. Like there daytime jobs, family, or mental breaks.

Seems 4-7 months, but the updates appear way longer than other vns


So do you always have to save tate from the plant or can we see what happens when it completes its objective 

You can see the plant "completing" him in our Discord Server :]

(and simply on Patreon soon.)

where would I find it on the discord what channel 

(1 edit)


(and now it's on Patreon too :] )


Eat the bread is debatably the funniest option you could ever make)

(2 edits) (+1)

Big dog, shy dog, pussycat, Big cat, horse and gay thought's what's next? 


Maybe daddy lion? owo

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