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Just wanna ask if Aiden's route gets revamped 

Can we get deeper with haima

Like you know emotionally and physically hehe or maybe a bonus part for Aiden's route.😊


A revamp would definitely be nice. When you compare it to Dallan and Tate's routes, it feels a little lacking somehow.


I agree but I do have a favorite scene in Aiden's route the one where they kissed


There will be a poly route?

Probably not


Does Aiden's route count? 😅

GAH what is the main menu theme?!!

I need to know the name of the song because it's just so good, holy moly.

Actually... I need to know the names of all of the songs! They're all so good!!

I iust remembered some from Clannad, the others not so much, MindOfFur has such good tastes in OST for this vn it makes my legs weak

Got it! Is Tale of Aurora by WOW sound

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Has Dallan's route been updated at all?

Nope. Chapter 1 will be finished before MindOfFur starts working on Chapter 2.

okay thank you

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Omg I love Alvi!!! Definitely my fav character so far. Can't wait to see the rest of his route


Alvy's personality resonates with me. He wants to stay away from others to protect himself but he also hopes that someone will break into his world and establish an relationship with him. Getting his trust is like helping myself.(The last CG is amazing!

I usually don’t go for twinks, but just like how Tate’s route surprised me, so too has Alvy’s! 😁 he’s super cute and oh so mysterious~ 😋 real nice for another boi to be added to the cast

Will he be the last love interest? I’m asking so that I can organise my save slots. Great work as always 😌 I had fun reading this build


Scribbles is the last :]

Thankx! 😁 Already got a save lined up for him~

cheat to unlock all images


the Auto button exists if you really don't wanna play the game that badly

yeah but i dont know the routes


i really like the art but aint got time to go through every rout just to get them


We all went through this phase but my excuse was that I didn't understand the japanese text..


i got a full time job jus let me jack off man


just finished reading alvys route day 1 and it is a master piece i love it soo much


omg i love alvy and ik its kinda early to ask but will their me more of his route in chapter two like the others


He'll be back but not for a full route


I loved alvys route day 1 and generally have ao many questions for the future also i cant wait to see more of alvy and scribbles also what do we think of therum in the new route?? Also i case i haven't said so already amazing work Mind of Fur cant wait for the future of this visual novel.


This VN has absolutely become my #1 favorite VN of all time! The art, humor, and characters are amazing!!! I just finished Alvy's day 1 and I have to say, I know he is part of scribbles's route, but I hope Alvy having this dedicated route is and can be just that, a dedicated route to Alvy! Ever since seeing his design I knew he was going to be my favorite character. The story and humor of his route has me entranced and I need more! Absolutely amazing work!!!! 


Ok so while I adore tates whole story and current route and while scribbles route therium path was amazing in terms of storyline and the abselute psychopath therium is which just makes the route even more fun to read through, alvy's route has me in a goddamn chokehold.

spoilers for those who havent done the route yet \/

ever since i saw alvy in theriums route i thought he would be the typical dude that looks weak but actually very strong but wont do much in the story except look cute and sit on the sidelines and we might have a lewd scene with him in one of the routes eventually, but i was suprised when i saw a full on route release for him or atleast a path to romance him via scribbles route. i playd through it and i couldnt leave my pc untill the day one of the route was done and i am just hooked on his character. for once the route itself was extreamly funny to me and i found myself just laughing at alot of the jokes or banter but what really grabbed me was how clueless he actually is, i thought he would be a know it all who would critisize our main leopard for everything and being dumb but turns out he is just as if not stupider then our main dude which is just great, he knows nothing of the outside world basically being shelterd by his family for all his life only having his aunt be the one person he thought was kind to him and on the first day of his school which beforehand he never attended any school he tries to get directions from main leopard dude who was currently speaking to air basically and then chased him. alvy most likely thought that he was going to either die in this place or worse but eventually after we meet him again by a dumpster he starts to get to know us alot better and for a change he has somone that is not his aunt to lean on. the way his character both via the sprite and by the way he was talking to us seeing how he opend up was just magical for me. i cant wait for more of his route and other of course but if i can be honest as of today alvy is my favourite character above all and i just want to see more of him and while of course the lewds are always great, i love that i found a furry visual novel that while it has sexual elements they are not the main point which is pretty ironic for a game called Lust shards. Amazing work and all the kudos to mindoffur and others that contributed to this and will continue to contribute. 

this is seperate to the new route (its so good btw) but is it just me or does tates outfit look kinda like luz noceda from toh?  idk its just like the top bc its purple and the hood w cat ears? (ik theyre his) i dont think its intentional but i just noticed it and wanted to pint it out like idk am i just mad?

naah xd

ok lols sorry idk i just thought they were similar idk 😭



A small twinky guy is usually not my type but his design and personality just make me falling for him, AND HE NOT EVEN A MAIN ROMANCES ROUTE 😢


Is it bad I can't bring myself to do any other Routes other than Tate's?


tate is a good boy🥺 but the more the merrier


I know but I'm too devoted to the purple tuxedo cat




(2 edits) (+1)

How did i miss out on this visual novel omg, I'm in love! Cannot wait for Scribbles' route to be finished♥

The next update will be also for the Android version?

And it is a chapter 2 update?

Idk,Im asking mostly because I love both dallan and Aiden so I can't wait to see more of 'em


Chapter 2 isn't coming out until Chapter 1 is done.

Mindoffur is still writing the Scribbles route (two parts are done, the second will be publicly available soon afaik) and then will revamp Aiden's route before moving on to writing Chapter 2.

Ah I see thanks pal I didn't know 

What do you mean by revamp?


Well... Aiden's route in its current state isn't as well written or as good as Tate or Dallan's routes, and Mindoffur wants to update / improve / rewrite Aiden's route.

Oh I see,thank you for telling me☺️

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Will there be actual nsfw scenes with Tate in the next chapter? 



Thank you for the confirmation I is a happy Lep now

When is the public release of the update


Next Monday. (1 week after patreon release.)

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I just finished reading this amazing novel and I can't wait until chapter 2 comes out so I can see my beloved purple cat again....I fell in love the moment I saw him I need more of my husbando please I beg of you!

Hello how can I unlock this scene? 

Keep playing and don't be afraid to try different paths.

 Already tried. 

This scene requires the protagonist and Aiden to have a less intimate relationship before going to the principal to discuss Aiden's issues which can trigger it

Is there a guide? 

In general, as long as you choose an option that does not involve your relationship with each other, it is sufficient

For example, not drinking alcohol, blaming him, and so on

You can try this way

Same i wanna unlock this


i need help how do i unlock all of aidens photos(even the sfw


play the game =w=

finally got it

Alvy's route better be good if it's the first announcement of the mount🥲

Who's alvy?

It's the dog u meet at the horse route

Oooh the cute one






Bro's has priorities hahaha sorry bruh but the focus right now is to finish act 1

ikik LOL

(2 edits) (+1)

Idk if this has been answered anywhere but may i ask what is the 4th path? Cause it's been referred to as Scribbles' route but also Therium/Alvy's route now. So is it like both of their routes? meaning its Scribbles and Therium or Scribbles and Alvy? Or is just Scribbles?

If this is an answer you'd rather us wait to discover ourselves im perfectly okay with that too cause ive genuinely loved all the mystery and unanswered questions in the fourth path so far.


Scribbles is a complicated character that doesn't want to share his life story just by asking directly unlike regular people, so to fully understand him you have to learn through other people's experiences. Both Therium and Alvy are strongly connected to Scribbles in one way or another, so at the end all the pieces will come together to form "Scribbles' route".



I just want to say it and you probably heard it multiple times. Great Fecking Job mate. This is actually a genuine blast to take part of and soooo wish I can experience every part of each story. You did incredible work designing and making incredible stories and characters you get attached to. I am genuinely excited for when you create more content. Feel proud because you did incredible work all by yourself. 

PS Aiden is superior. Can't change my mind

Deleted 151 days ago
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(on patreon :] )


Deleted 151 days ago



okay just finished current dallan route and i didnt expect the plot twist 

also it was rlly good

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Alvy is probably a top (don't prove I'm right)


I NEED HELP TO DECIDE ASAP CUZ I COULDNT DECIDE FOR OVER 3 HOURS WICH ROUTE SHOULD I TAKE(i dont want tate route) so should i go for dallan or aiden?????????????????


which one do you thins is hotter

Deleted 61 days ago

okay thanks i was struggling to make my choice cuz i def prefer aiden personality a bit but dall have a lil better design so tysm bro

Deleted 60 days ago

You should really try Tate's route, i don't really like him at first but i fell in LOVE after like an hour with him xd


Мне очень нравится ваша игра! персонажи очень интересные, сюжет интересный, так не терпится посмотреть 2 главу, так же хочу выразить восхищение рутом Тейта он пока что мой самый любимый! Жаль я не могу найти перевод на русский язык не могу полностью перевести что говорят персонажи, но я все равно очень доволен, продолжайте в том же духе вы большой молодец! 💗

I really like your game! the characters are very interesting, the plot is interesting, I can't wait to see chapter 2, I also want to express my admiration for Ruth Tate, he is my favorite so far! It's a pity I can't find a translation into Russian, I can't fully translate what the characters say, but I'm still very happy, keep up the good work you're a great fellow! 💗


I just started reading this after forgetting it was on my bucket list for far too long (a war crime). And I gotta say LS is one of THE BEST fvn's out there!! This one really sticks out. The characters, setting and humor blend together perfectly, and really grew on me. I've never laughed at a novel as much as this one.

Compliments to the chef that COOKED this masterpiece! 🔥




Charlie, is that you?

can’t figure out how to the the other nsfw scene on theriums route? Help

The premise to the story seemed a little too unserious for my taste at first, but this vn climbed to the top very very quickly.  It is indeed a silly story but in the best way possible, and the characters and humor are honestly s tier. Can't wait for chapter 2.


 I love world building in Lust Shards, and as a day 1 reader, I like the way that the writer expanding the world which make it much more enjoyable to invest in lore and reading every line of text to gather information or lore-drop. 

And I'm glad the writer understood that getting reader to love the world and it's setting is key to hook the reader for fantasy genre. 

 In very early build the world is pretty much "This school teach student to kill horny monster. Go kill or fuck it idk." and minimal outside world exploration. However, in later route we get to see more of the world outside the academy, introduced to nightfallen conflict with 'City Animal',  we get to see student's point of view to nightfallen(Some thinks they just a monster, some thinks they're a being that deserved respect.) with that is what make the world of Lust Shards so intersting. 

Sure, Lust Shards have tons of flaws and by all means not a perfect vn, but certainly a captivating experience and deserve the praise.  

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